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Jakob Davies


‘Life drawing UK started in Winchester. I took over a life drawing session as it wasn’t key to our university program, for us fine art students at WSA. In my second year, meeting more of the community and opening up events gave me great joy, as many old people either returned to where they once studied, or enjoyed us young people enriching our lives at university. Now we aspire to create more activities, with more people coming to our club, we see something really special coming.’- Jakob


Amy Murphy


‘After moving to Winchester for university I found myself wanting to connect more with the community of Winchester city. Creating Winchester Life Drawing Club for me was about giving the community something I felt I didn’t have in Winchester. A creative place to come together and enjoy something, learn independently and meet other creatives. Since leaving university Winchester Life Drawing Club has grounded me to Winchester. I love the people I’ve met and the city itself. I could never leave all we made behind so Winchester welcomed us, and we stayed. If you’re ever feeling lost in the city. Come to us and join our ever growing community.’ - Amy